What is iPals?
iPals is...
a casual social club offering connection and support for international students at App State
CASUAL - no formal membership requirements - come and you're in
SOCIAL - our primary goal is pleasant companionship with friends
CLUB - recognized by the university; organized by student leaders
CONNECTION - you don't have to know anyone; just socialize
SUPPORT - in good times and bad times
INTERNATIONAL - different cultures and countries and people groups
STUDENTS - main members are studying for a term or longer in Boone
APP STATE - our home base of operations - limiting our scope
Is iPals for you?
Who - American students, international students, exchange students - all of the above - and any other student who doesn't fit neatly into any of those categories!
What - Events and programs to create opportunities to share life together
When - Mostly during the school year on a monthly basis; some events during breaks
Where - All over campus and beyond
Why - It is hard to make friends. Let's make it just a little bit easier.
How - How do you join? Just show up!
Event Suggestion
Have an idea for an event you'd like to see at a meeting?
Let us know -- email us at international-outreach@appstate.edu
Connect with us!
Sign up to be on our contact list and get emails about upcoming events and how you can help!
Find us on Engage
Find us on Instagram
iPals Vision Statement
iPals is a base for social operations. It is a club where we can meet people, share experiences together, and invite people into our lives. It is where friendships start - but not where they end. It is where we keep coming back together to debrief experiences and to deepen our friendships.
We want our members to be involved in those activities and clubs on campus that are of interest to them and to share those interests back with the club.
Invite us to your performance! Tell us about your thesis presentation! Ask us for help when you need to go to the bank!
And also mourn with us when your pet passes away. Destress with us when you finish your midterm. Process with us when your roommate frustrates you.
Feel free to email us at international-outreach@appstate.edu