International Students

Talk to an Advisor

Walk-in hours are available for international students during the Fall and Spring semesters both virtually by Zoom, or in-person in the Office of International Programs - Plemmons Student Union Suite 321:

  • Tuesdays, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

  • Fridays, 10:00am - 12:00pm

Come to Walk-In Hours virtually via Zoom or in-person in PSU Suite 321- no appointment necessary!

If you cannot come to these times, please email to set up an appointment. 

If you are an App State student who is interested in studying abroad, please use the Education Abroad advising options


Get Involved


Working, Internship. Practicum, Student Teaching




Immigration and Visa


ISSSO Portal


Helpful Tips and Resources


Orientation and Pre-Arrival Links


Travel and Transportation

