Destinations of Elevated Risk

What is a Destination of Elevated Risk?

Your safety and well-being abroad is important to us. If you plan to study abroad in a destination that is deemed "elevated risk," you will be required to submit a Travel Safety Plan, which helps you to prepare to travel to -- and navigate within -- a destination of elevated risk. We use several metrics to assess risk, including Department of State Travel Advisories, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Health Notices, GeoBlue Security Profiles, and the COVID Suppression Framework. 

Instructions for Completing a Travel Safety Plan

If you are traveling abroad for university-related purposes to an area that the University deems a Destination of Elevated Risk, you will need to submit a travel safety plan. This process is designed to ensure that you are able to adequately prepare for travel, that you are made aware of the safety and/or health risks associated with your travel, and that you fully understand that you do so voluntarily. This process also allows the University to better manage risk and prepare for emergencies.

  1. Meet with an education abroad advisor to discuss your program options.
  2. Thoroughly research your host country. You can consult the Department of State Travel Advisories, the CDC Travel Health Notices, and the OSAC Country Security Reports
  3. Submit an International Travel Plan. Your plan will be reviewed by the Global Health & Safety Committee, Environmental Health, Safety & Emergency Management, and the Office of International Programs. If approved, you will be required to sign the Assumption of Risk Form. 
  4. Submit your application to study abroad.


Study Abroad Term Deadline to Submit Travel Safety Plan 
Fall / Academic YearFebruary 1 
SpringSeptember 1
SummerMarch 1